

A contraceptive should feel safe and suit your body as well as your lifestyle, but the choice is not always easy. There may be other questions regarding sexuality that you would like to discuss with a professional counsellor. You are most welcome for discussion, advice and prescription of contraceptives.

Our services:

  • Contraceptive advice and counseling
  • Prescription of contraceptives and insertion/removal of implant, IUD
  • Diaphragm fitting and information
  • Pregnancy test
  • Free condoms
  • Testing for STI

All appointments concerning contraceptives and testing for some STI are free of charge 



Being pregnant and giving birth is a major event in life. Your experience of pregnancy and birth is unique. We do our best to respond to you and your individual needs.


A contraceptive should feel safe and suit your body as well as your lifestyle, but the choice is not always easy. You are most welcome for discussion, advice and prescription of contraceptives.

Pap smear test

The Pap Smear test applies to women between the age of 23-65 years and is taken every 3 years for women aged 23-50 years and every 5 years for women aged 50-70 years.

Climacteric advisory

Here we can talk about your health, life style and sexuallity during your menopause. We can also advise you regarding vaginal infections.